
            This project was a calligram, or an image made out of text. The text was a letter to my future self. Or rather, it started as a letter and devolved into an opportunity to wax poetic about positive and negative liberty. As the theme throughout the letter was of liberty and freedoms, I went for the imagery of an arm grasping a flag. I used Adobe Illustrator to create the calligram, primarily employing the "Type on Path" and "Envelope Distort" tools. It cumulatively took about 4 to 5 hours to create. While there are some problems, I am pleased with how this project came out.

Reference Image:

Letter to the Future (Text Used in the Calligram):

Dear Sage of the future,

I hope this letter finds you at a time where fascism is not breathing down the necks of effectively everywhere on Earth but realistically that will not be for a long time. There are many things which I hope for you. I hope for you to embrace a love for humanity and community. I hope for you to allow yourself to be vulnerable. I hope for you to stand by your principles of equity, solidarity, and liberation. I hope for you to finally feel comfortable in your body and to actively fight for others to have that right. For universal liberation and fulfillment are the rights of the world. Liberty and freedom will always be the fundamental goal. Freedom to love. Freedom to live. Freedom to thrive. Freedom to embrace the tragic beauty of the human condition. Freedom to accept the absurd. These “freedoms to” necessarily require “freedom from”. Freedom from poverty. Freedom from fascists. Freedom from homophobia. Freedom from transphobia. Freedom from the boot of capitalists. Freedom from alienation. Freedom from patriarchy. Freedom from racism, both interpersonal and systemic. True liberation can never be achieved without the unification of freedom to and freedom from. I hope you continue to understand this. Or, ideally, understand this better than I do. Hopefully, you learn how to get out of the ivory tower and actually organize to bring about this liberation. ­For what are ideals without action? All the philosophy in the world is only meaningful in that it either causes or inspires action. Action and organization translate ideas and the abstract into the material, the tangible. While both the abstract mental construction and material are real to some extent, neither are anything without the other. Ideas are nothing without manifestation and manifestations are nothing without the ideas which imbue them with meaning.

Whatever happens, never forget this.


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